Recipes 1



Welcome to the recipe pages on my  site. The recipes have been organized in traditional cookbook chapter fashion –appetizers through desserts -to help you easily find what you are looking for. However, because of some personal dietary interests, I have added two additional categories, vegetarian/vegan and gluten-free, which may be particularly helpful if you are searching for recipes in these categories.


While I am not a vegetarian (I do eat pasture-raised meat and wild-caught or sustainably farmed fish) over the years I have introduced more and more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds into my diet because I strongly believe that the range of nutrients these foods provide play an important role in helping me to stay well. Plant foods are unique sources of fiber and phytonutrients, in addition to macro and micronutrients. That’s why I have highlighted recipes that qualify as vegetarian/vegan.

Gluten Free

Moreover, I have been eating gluten-free for about five years. After being diagnosed with a health condition I decided to eliminate gluten from my diet. Surprisingly, my symptoms abated. I subsequently discovered through testing that I am gluten intolerant. Eating gluten-free has become a permanent part of my life and it has dramatically improved my health and well-being.

Vegetarian & Vegan
